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Variable speed Drives, AC and DC Motors — Ex-Ed can supply you with a full range of control systems, installation options and services.

Sprint-Electric 400i DC Thyristor Drives

Sprint-Electric 400i DC Thyristor Drives

Single Phase Isolated 1Q DC Contoller

Online Price from £202

Sprint-Electric 400i

Single phase, isolated, DC motor controller for permanent magnet or shunt wound DC motors rated up to 4 Amps.

The Sprint-Electric 400i features the Sprint Electric micro analog processor which provides the controller with many user benefits only normally seen in expensive "high end" products.

Compact design and the switch selection of key functions make the Sprint-Electric 400i DC motor controller quick and easy to install.

Sprint-Electric Sprint-Electric 400i

Code: Sprint-Electric 400i
Notes: 240 / 110Vac
Nominal Power: 0.55 kW
Output Current: 4 A
Shipping Weight: 0.35 Kg
Quantity: 1

£202.00 + VAT

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Technical Specification

Control action:                             Dual Loop Proportional + Integral

Speed regulation:                       0.1% Tachogenerator, 2% Armature Voltage

Maximum Armature Output:    4 Amps continuous, 200v DC                                                     

Overload protection:                 Extra 50% peak torque for 30 secs prior to
                                                       stall trip operation

Field output:                                 0.5 Amps at 0.9 x AC supply voltage

Customer presets:                    Max speed: 12v-200v full scale feedback
                                                       Min speed 0-30% of max speed
                                                       Up ramp (Acceleration) 1-30 secs
                                                       Down ramp (Deceleration) 1-30 secs
                                                       IR comp
                                                       Max Armature current 0-100%

Switches:                                    Feedback voltage - 4 ranges
                                                      Torque or speed mode
                                                      Tachogenerator or armature voltage feedback

Inputs:                                         Speed
                                                      Auxiliary speed input
                                                      Auxiliary inverted speed input for trims etc.
                                                      Run command
                                                      4-20mA or 0-20mA
                                                      Pushbutton stop/start input

Outputs:                                      Speed
                                                      Setpoint ramp
                                                      Total demand
                                                      +/- 12v/-24v rails
                                                      Zero Speed relay driver
                                                      Stall relay driver

FULLY ISOLATED control electronics allows interfacing with other systems.


Product Dimensions

Model H mm (in) W mm (in) D mm (in) Weight (Kg)
 Sprint Electric 400i  160 (6.3)  100 (3.9)  50 (2.0) 0.35

Ex-Ed Drives and Controls | 13 Granby Road, , Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 0PW | Telelphone: 01455 450776 | Email:

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